Writetober 2024, Horror Haven: Day 16: The Shadow of Steffi

Steffi was a vampire, but not your typical blood-sucking fiend. She was more afraid of the dark than any human child. Her younger brother, Ben, found this hilarious, especially when they were supposed to be out "hunting" for victims.

“Steffi, come on!” Ben would whisper in his most ghoulish, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “The moon is full, and there’s a whole neighborhood of sleeping people just waiting to be...you know.”

Steffi would shudder and hide behind a tree. “I don't want to go,” she'd mumble. “What if there’s a monster?”

Ben would roll his eyes. “Steffi, you’re the monster.”

One night, while they were out on a particularly dark and moonless hunt, Steffi’s fear reached a new height. She started to imagine all sorts of terrifying creatures lurking in the shadows. Goblins, werewolves, 

even a giant, hairy spider.

“I can’t do it,” she wailed, bursting into tears.

Ben sighed and took her hand. “It’s okay, Steffi. I’ll be right here with you.”

As they walked back home, the moon finally peeked out from behind a cloud. Steffi looked up at it and felt a little braver. Maybe she wasn’t so afraid of the dark after all. As long as she had her brother by her side.

written by Zoe
