Writetober 2024, Horror Haven: Day 15: Lamentatio Aquae

Oh, I see the visions, they rise like smoke,

They show me futures in mirrors, twisted and broke.

My visions spun from deep fears

The specters of my future near,

Clad in robes of twilight's breath,

They chant the hymns of looming death.

In shadows cast by a sun unseen,
Whispers of what might be, or might have been.

In dreams, I tread upon the serpentine path,
Echoes of an unseen manifest potential wrath.

In the mirror of time, reflections scream,
A symphony of chaos in a waking dream.

I dance with specters, their faces my own,
A masquerade of futures, seeds I've sown.

I beseech the stars, those silent guides,
To alter the course where my fate resides.

Yet in their crystals, intentions fade,
An enigma wrapped in the choices made.

Time's river flows, relentless and wide,
I search for solace, a place to hide.

But the visions persist, relentless and true,
A haunting reminder of the things I must do.

Oh, I am the architect of my own despair,

Yet in this labyrinth, I find my prayer.
To change the script written in the stars,
And heal the wounds of destiny's scars.

written by Zoe
