Writetober 2024, Horror Haven: Day 14: Digital Deletion

It began innocently enough, a mere flicker on the screen. A phantom touch, a ghost of a notification. At first, I dismissed it as a glitch, a quirk. But as the days turned into weeks, the disturbances grew more pronounced.

The phone would ring at odd hours, a silent call from an unknown number. The camera would snap eerie images, shadows where there should be none, spectral figures lurking in the corners of the frame. Messages would appear, cryptic and unsettling, written in a language I did not understand.

My friends and family, of course, dismissed my fears as the product of a mind overtaxed by the digital age. But I could not shake the feeling that something sinister was at work. The phone was no longer a tool; it had become a portal to a realm beyond our comprehension.

One night, as I lay in bed, the phone began to vibrate with an intensity unseen before I reached out to grab it, but it seemed to slip away, as if pulled by an invisible force. Then, a voice, a whisper, filled the room. It was a chilling, guttural sound that seemed to emanate from the device itself.

I leapt out of bed, heart pounding, and hurled the phone across the room. It shattered into a thousand pieces, but the voice persisted, echoing through the darkness. I could feel its presence, a cold, malevolent force that seemed to seep into every corner of my room.

As the hours passed, the fear began to give way to a strange sense of calm. I realized that the phone had been a mere conduit, a vessel for something far more sinister..

written by Zoe
